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From HacktionLab: A UK-wide network tech-activists providing meet-ups, events, workshops, national skillshare gatherings and hacklabs
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'''<big><big><big>Welcome to the HacktionLab Wiki</big></big></big>'''
<big><big>Organising UK-based activist, agitator, alternative and co-operative tech forums, gatherings, discussions and projects since 2008.</big></big>
[[File:HL 2023 draft 2.3 x0.25.png|300px|right|link=HacktionLab_Summer_2023]]
[[File:HL Sheffield 2023 Programme.png|right|300px|link=Workshops_for_HacktionLab_Summer_2023]]
<big>The last HacktionLab event took place in 2023 at Abbeyfield Park, Pitsmoor, Sheffield from 16th to 18th June.<br/>The cost of the event was £20 for two days of talks, workshops and plenty of chances to meet people and swap ideas.<br/>
[https://hacktionlab.org/live Live stream of the Community Room at HacktionLab (could be a bit on and off, but do persevere)]
[http://www.hacktivista.net/hacktionlabsignup/ Please click here to confirm you're coming to HacktionLab and let us know of your dietary requirements] and also please [http://lists.psand.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hacktionlab sign up to the mailing list]. thanks. :)</big></big>
* Date: Friday 13th June 2008 - Sunday 15th June 2008
Anyone who wanted like to give a talk or lead a workshop or discussion about tech, or any aspect of politics or philosophy that is related to tech, was welcome to do so! If they had an idea for a talk or workshop, they could [https://lists.aktivix.org/mailman/listinfo/hacktionlab | join our mailing list] and make a suggestion! The mailing list is where all the pre-event discussion happened. Alternatively they could also send suggestions to <strong>sheffield2023 at hacktionlab.org</strong>.
* Venue: [http://www.highburyfarm.freeserve.co.uk/ Stepping Stones Housing Co-operative, Highbury Farm], located in the Lower Wye Valley on a hill above the village of Redbrook (location of site on [http://tinyurl.com/4celuj Multimap] and [http://tinyurl.com/3spxok Google Maps])
* Contact Email list - http://lists.psand.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hacktionlab
* Contact Email address - [[Image:Hacktionlab_email.png]]
* Info: http://www.hacktivista.net/hacktionlab
* Call-to-action: http://clearerchannel.org/flyers/outreach_hacktivist_gathering.html
The aim of HacktionLab is to have a convergence where people interested in and/or working in the areas of alternative media, renewable energy, on-line video distribution, free software and any other form of activism that utilises technology.  
Here's the [[Workshops_for_HacktionLab_Summer_2023 | list of talks and workshops]].
The idea for the gathering has come from a number of years of experience gained by activists working for organisations such as Indymedia and includes specific experience from involvement in the camps for climate action in Selby (2006) and Heathrow (2007) as well as the No Borders camp at Gatwick (2007):
[[Image:Ccfotos_-_10.jpg|200px]] [[Image:Insidefimc.jpg|200px]] [[Image:Ccfotos_-_15.jpg|200px]]
[[HacktionLab_Summer_2023|Visit this page for more information]].</big>
Per person we will aim that the convergence will require around a '''fifteen pound contribution''', with an upper limit of twenty.  Everyone will be responsible for organising their own transport to the location, except for being collected from Chepstow train station.
==HacktionLab: Another Technology is Possible...==
<div class="nav">
For news &amp; updates about HacktionLab and our events, or to get involved, sign-up to one of our
[[Mailing_List|mailing lists]]*.</big><br/><small>*Mailing lists kindly provided by [http://aktivix.org Aktivix].</small>
HacktionLab is UK tech-activist run project that aims to create regular convergence spaces where activists interested and/or working in the areas of alternative media, renewable energy, on-line video distribution, free software or any other form of activism that utilises technology can get together and plan how to better harness the technology (or not) to support grass roots social movements.
Since 2008, we've held the successful [[BarnCamp]] rural skills-sharing gathering, the [[Hacktioncamp 2022|HacktionCamp 2022]] hybrid rural-urban get together, and the [[HacktionLab_Autumn_2015|HacktionLab]] and [[Tech Tactics for Social Change Oxford 2017|Tech Tactics for Social Change]] urban gatherings.  We have also helped to nurture and launch several projects supporting activists and social change mavens, such as [https://network23.org Network 23].
[[File:2013-barncamp-ltsp-lomo.jpg|300px|left]] [[File:Shamanic laptop 4.jpeg|300px]]
The convergence is primary aimed at folk who need to learn or share info on doing mobile media access and video work in situations like G8 and climate camp convergences.
== HacktionLab latest news ==
===Hacktioncamp 2022===
Please come if you have experience(s) to share will others in order to encourage the amount of shared knowledge in the UK-wide media, free software and alternative technology activist network. The weekend is most suitable for activists using media, geeks and hackers (as opposed to crackers) but would also be of interest to anyone else that is interested in attending is most welcome.
[[File:Makery.png|170px|left]] [[File:Camping.jpg|250px|right]]  Hacktionlab was back with a new event in 2022! '''[[Hacktioncamp 2022]]''' took place in '''Todmorden, UK''' on the '''10th, 11th and 12th of June 2022''' (camping from the Thursday night)!  Soon to be announced is an urban gathering in mid-June 2023. Watch this space!!
==Organisations involved==
It was a HacktionLab / BarnCamp Reunion - featuring discussions on alt-media, radical tech collectives, right-to-repair, free and open source software, the maker mentality, and the old hacker ethic.
This convergence is being proposed and attended by Bristol Wireless, Indymedia UK, Schnews and Clearer Channel.
There were talks and workshops at Todmorden Makery, plus time to hang out and socialise. See [[Hacktioncamp 2022|the HacktionCamp 2022 page]] (work in progress) for workshop ideas, logistics etc.
[[ToDo list]]
===Older news===
[[List of previous HacktionLabs|Visit this page for more details of and links to all our previous events and collaborations]].
* Our last event was [[Hacktioncamp 2022]], which took place in Todmorden, Yorkshire/Lancashire, England in June 2022.
Evening Friday 13th June 2008 to afternoon Sunday 15th June 2008.
* [[Barncamp 2019]] was sadly cancelled :-(
Would recommend that crew arrive Friday morning (or Thursday evening) to set-up some of the infrastructure, and anyone who wishes should be encouraged to be involved in this, as the set-up forms part of the skills sharing.
* [[Tech Tactics for Social Change Oxford 2017]] at Oxford Hackspace on Sat 21st and Sun 22nd October 2017.
==Interesting Links==
* The gathering before that was [[BarnCamp 2017]] from 7th to 12th June 2017 in the Wye Valley.
* [http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Global/FieldIMCHowTo Stirling Indymedia - Field IMC at Horizon Ecovillage during G8 protests]
* [http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Local/BcnHOWTOMediaCenter Indymedia: HOWTO Mount a Media Centre]
* [http://flakey.info/hesfes05/ Bristol Wireless LTSP suite]
* [http://www.escapegoat.org/2007/9/22/noborders-indymedia-center-tech-review No Borders Mobile tech set up]
* [http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Local/ImcUkG8TechReview  Edinburgh Media Centre Tech during G8 protests]
====Friday 13th====
* And before that [[HacktionLab Autumn 2015]] in Hebden Bridge and Todmorden which took place on the 5th and 6th of 2015. [[HacktionLab Autumn 2015|Go here for more details]].
* Forward crew arrive in the morning to set up mess tent and other core infrastructure
* The 2015 outing of [[BarnCamp]] took place in the Wye Valley on the 19th, 20th and 21st June - More information on the [[BarnCamp 2015]] page and at [https://barncamp.org.uk  the BarnCamp web site]. 
* Majority arrive in afternoon, set-up camp
* Supper + entertainment
====Saturday 14th====
* We did a [[Bristol Anarchist Bookfair 2015 Talk|talk on Linux and Anarchism]] at the [http://www.bristolanarchistbookfair.org/ Bristol Anarchist Bookfair] on Saturday 25th April 2015.
* Breakfast
* 1in12 Club Bradford HacktionLab gathering.  15-16 November 2014. [[Winter_2014_Hacklab|More info]].
* Morning workshops
* Lunch
* Afternoon workshops
* Dinner
* Party
====Sunday 15th====
* We returned to the [http://www.bristolanarchistbookfair.org/ Bristol Anarchist Bookfair] on Saturday 26th April at 1pm to give an abridged and updated version of our talk on in '''Privacy and the Dark Side of the Net''' to a packed room of people (the room was pretty small and there were quite a lot of people). 
* Breakfast
* Under the guise of [https://www.techtoolsforactivism.org Tech Tools for Activism] we did a talk in the [http://www.shambalafestival.org/act/rebel-soul-2/ Rebel Soul] tent at [http://www.shambalafestival.org/ Shambala Festival] 2013 on the topic of '''Privacy and the Dark Side of the Net''' in light of the revalations by Edward Snowden.  Materials are available: [[upload/5/57/Shambala-2013-crib-sheet.pdf|Click to download a handy crib sheet of useful URLs]] or [[upload/8/87/Shambala-2013-talk.pdf|Click to download a PDF of the slides from the talk]].
* Workshops
* Lunch
* What next / parting of company
* Tat-down team, tat-down!
* The 7th, 8th & 9th of June 2013 brought us [[BarnCamp 2013]] with a [[BarnCamp 2013 ideas scratchpad|slew of amazing workshop proposals]].  2013's event was organised in collaboration with [http://www.bristolwireless.net Bristol Wireless] and [http://www.flossmanuals.net FLOSS Manuals].  Check-out the [[BarnCamp Media Page]] for details of what happened.
We have decided upon [http://www.highburyfarm.freeserve.co.uk/ Highbury Farm] located in the Lower Wye Valley on a hill above the village of Redbrook. Highbury Farm is actually located in Gloucestershire, although it should be in Gwent:
* We ran a one hour [[Bristol_Anarchist_Bookfair_2013|talk-cum-workshop session]] at this year's [http://www.bristolanarchistbookfair.org/ Bristol Anarchist Bookfair] on Saturday 20th April at 1pm in '''The Room With a View''' at the [http://www.3ca.org.uk/ Trinity], Bristol.  We also took time out on the grass in the Sun to have a planning meeting for this year's [[BarnCamp]].
* We're pleased to have squeezed the <strong>second edition</strong> of our booklet, <strong>[https://techtoolsforactivism.org/booklet Tech Tools for Activism]</strong> our of the printer's door. Some pre-release copies were distributed at the [https://network23.org/msg2012/ Movement Support Gathering] in Birmingham and the final version were on sale at the London Anarchist Bookfair, and at <strong>Shared Planet</strong>. If you'd like some copies to distribute or for your locality, please email us at <strong>techtoolsbook _at_ hacktionlab _dot_ org</strong>.
The HacktionLab will take place at two locations on Highbury Farm:
* We ran a stall at [http://peopleandplanet.org/shared-planet-2012 Shared Planet 2012], which took place on <strong>Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th November</strong> at [http://www.shu.ac.uk/ Sheffield Hallam University].  Run by [http://peopleandplanet.org People & Planet], Shared Planet is the UK's largest student activist conference.  We were there with copies of the new <strong>[https://techtoolsforactivism.org/booklet Tech Tools for Activism booklet]</strong>, as well as lots of other information.
* The barn: proposal is to do the workshops in this space as it has adequate weather protection, mains power and is near enough to the farmhouse to be able to run Ethernet from the farm's ADSL connection.
* We had a stall at the [http://anarchistbookfair.org.uk/ London Anarchist Bookfair] which took place at Queen Mary’s, University of London on Saturday 27th October. It was a lot of fun to meet everyone, faces old and new, and we had a great day.
* The field: here we'll put up a mess tent and this is where everyone will camp, has lovely view over Redbrook and up the Wye Valley.  There is vehicle access into this field via a reasonably firm track.
Highbury Farm is a vegan (perhaps vegetarian) farm and the owners request that meat is not brought or cooked on site. There is an excellent pub across the valley within walking distance that serves fine ales and ciders and may well serve meat dishes for those who cannot do without.
* In the summer some hacktionlabbers took part in the [http://oshug.org/event/oshcamp2012 Open Source Hardware Camp] and the [https://network23.org/msg2012/ Movement Support Gathering].
* The Spring 2012 HacktionLab took place at the [http://www.londonarc.org/ London Action Resource Centre (LARC)] over the May Bank Holiday. [[Spring_2012_Hacklab|Go here for more details.]]
The ''workshops'' should be simply facilitated discussions and hands-on skills-sharing activities based around a technology or a way of doing something. The aim is to enable a free exchange of ideas based around a theme, and not too much time should be spend in their planning.
* Some members of HacktionLab launched the new [https://techtoolsforactivism.org Tech Tools for Activism web site]. And a list of new tools for 2012 [[new tools for 2012]]
Here is a working list of topics for workshops, please feel free to add to it or propose yourself and a workshop you'd like to facilitate:
* In January 2012 we returned to the brilliant [http://www.1in12.com/ 1-in-12 Club] (Bradford) for the third time and the  [[Winter_2012_Hacklab|tenth HacktionLab]], a gathering of people from various projects that featured a Drupal clinic, and launched '''Tech Tools for Activism''', a new project to provide a co-ordinated gateway into resources for activists in the UK.  More on this very soon....
===Running a rural IMC (''Field IMC'')===
* We had stalls at the [http://rebelliousmediaconference.org/ Rebellious Media Conference] (8/9 Oct, London) and also at the [http://anarchistbookfair.org.uk/ London Anarchist Bookfair] (22 Oct, London) where we were chatting to people and giving out copies of [[Tech tools for activists]].
* There was a gathering of projects involved with HacktionLab in Manchester on the 17th and 18th of September 2011: our ninth gathering at [[Hacktionlab Manchester 2011]].
* skillsharing around doing rural IMC's -
* mobile internet connection
* 12 volt power issues
* recycling computers / building a mobile suite
*Some hacktionlabbers have been involved in launching a [https://network23.org new anonymous secure blogging network] using a [[Wordpress network|Wordpress network set up]].
*We our pleased to have finished the first version of our booklet [[Tech tools for activists]]. It is aimed at non-techies, from grass-roots and NGO activists to the ordinary person on the street who is concerned about privacy and the surveillance state. It provides technical help and tips about computer security and publishing your own media, amongst other topics. [[Tech tools for activists|Find out more about it and where you can get hold of hard copies, or download it]].
* Linux and other free software (viable alternatives for alternative media, Kino, Cinelerra, iTheora, GIMP, OpenOffice)
* basic computer networking
* basic wireless technology
* satellite, 3G and mobile comms technology
* renewable energy and how it works (AC and DC theory)
* security, privacy and encryption techniques
* using the web for collaboration - wikis, drupals, plone, etc.
*Finally various local HacktionLab collectives are the throes of organising workshop events in their local areas. Get on the list and get in touch if you're interested in organising, giving or attending a workshop.
* the next steps for imc video on a UK level, interaction with the main indymedia.org.uk site and creating a specialised video site.
== Contact Details  ==
* tactical collaboration
* tech skill share on encoding, hosting, podcasting and websites for video
* streaming
* free software video tools [http://www.openmovieeditor.org/index.html Open Movie Editor] and [http://kdenlive.org/ Kdenlive]
There is a source for workshops available for ideas http://clearerchannel.org/guides/s_index.html
===Video Websites===
Nearly all proposals, discussions and news takes place on our (old fashioned) [[Mailing List]]. This is the best place to get in touch:
More to follow on IMC uk and global internet sites using Drupal
*Join the email list. [[Mailing List|More information at this page]]
*There is also the (now somewhat defunct) Crabgrass group located at https://we.riseup.net/hacktionlab
We should have a test site to play about with with amazing aggregation and syndication abilities.
== Interesting Links  ==
===Friendly Tech Environments===
*[http://www.escapegoat.org/2007/9/22/noborders-indymedia-center-tech-review No Borders Mobile tech set up 2007]
*[http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2007/08/378427.html Indymedia centre at Climate Camp (Sipson 2007)]
What makes a friendly tech enviroment?
*[http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/10/352449.html Indymedia at the Camp for Climate Action 2006: Report &amp; Personal View]  
*[https://docs.indymedia.org/bin/view/Global/FieldIMCHowTo Stirling Indymedia - Field IMC at Horizon Ecovillage during G8 protests]  
Sometimes geek environments can be really cold and alienating to non-geeks. Sometimes they can be terrifically welcoming. What are some of the things we can do as enthusiasts to communicate our enthusiasm and share our skills in a friendly way?
*[https://docs.indymedia.org/view/Local/ImcUkG8TechReview Edinburgh Media Centre Tech during G8 protests]  
*[https://docs.indymedia.org/bin/view/Local/BcnHOWTOMediaCenter Indymedia: HOWTO Mount a Media Centre]  
Have a look at this blog post about the recent Transmission gathering in asia
*[http://articles.adelayde.net/hesfes05/ Suite of low-cost, low-energy laptops running Linux at a home education festival in 2005 - Bristol Wireless]
And read this critique of gender in Indymedia.
can anyone find one?
Kids are most welcome, however we will not be arranging any crêche facilities.
Evening events could include a couple of bands, some open mic, some poetry, and some decent organic cyder around a fire of course ;)
There is both main electricity and Internet connectivity at the farm.  We will also bring 3G and satellite alternatives to demonstrate and discuss the technology.  It would be great to have some renewables for the camping field for the evening.  In the camping field there will be a fire pit, pissoirs and a shit pit.
* LTSP suite (from Bristol Wireless)
* Video projector + screen (or white sheet)
* Mess tent
* Trestle tables (for LTSP suite / kitchen)
* Kitchen equipment
* Catering crew
* Mess tent set-up
* LTSP suite set-up
* Networking, projector and power set-up
* Shit pit and pissoirs
* Fire crew
Immediate requirement is for more folks to get involved, this is a workshop event, so all those who come should also expect to be involved in making the whole thing happen, so although we will plan for the equipment to bring, it will be an organic affair (not in the sense of vegetables).
Please encourage other people to get involved by asking them that they join the mailing list at http://lists.psand.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hacktionlab
===Transport and site access===
Access to Highbury farm by vehicle is somewhat difficult as it is situated up a steep hill in the valley. Most motor vehicles should ideally be left at the bottom of the hill rather than be taken up the track.  For small vehicles, carrying the minimum of passengers would help.  There is a decent footpath up from the village to the farm, so leaving vehicle at bottom and walking is a good option.
We'll need to get a van or two up to site to bring equipment and food. 
The farm have recommended that if anyone wishes to bring a caravan, that they tow it up using a tractor, as this will be easier than trying to tow a vehicle towing a caravan that's got stuck!
Trains to Chepstow, there is then a bus service from Chepstow to Redbrook village, but the last bus leaves the bus station at 6.10PM - [http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/media/adobe_acrobat/f/1/69%20Chepstow%20Tintern%20Monmouth.pdf You can download a PDF of the bus timetable here].  We will therefore need to organise a ''runner'' to collect people from Chepstow train station on Friday evening, should there be a need to do so.
From Bristol the farm is about 30 miles, over the old Severn Bridge (M48) and then taking the A466 past Chepstow and about 13 miles up the Wye Valley.  The bridge costs something like 5 pounds 30 pence for cars and 10.50 for vans.
There's more info on their web site at http://www.highburyfarm.freeserve.co.uk/visitingframe.htm and also here it is on the map:
* [http://tinyurl.com/4celuj Multimap]  
* [http://tinyurl.com/3spxok Google Maps]
The cost will be 4 pounds per person for the camping for the weekend.  We also have to add costs for food on top of this.  Highbury Farm also expressed that any additional contribution would be much appreciated.  The costs for organising this event will be:
* camping (4 quid per person)
* food
* transport of equipment (and tolls for Severn Bridge)
* any administrative costs
Per person we will aim that the convergence will require around a fifteen pound contribution, with an upper limit of twenty.  Everyone will be responsible for organising their own transport to the location, except for being collected from Chepstow train station.
[http://www.hacktivista.net/hacktionlabsignup/ Please click here to confirm you're coming to HacktionLab and let us know of your dietry requirements] and also please [http://lists.psand.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hacktionlab sign up to the mailing list]. thanks. :)</big></big>

Latest revision as of 09:42, 24 February 2024

Organising UK-based activist, agitator, alternative and co-operative tech forums, gatherings, discussions and projects since 2008.

HL 2023 draft 2.3 x0.25.png
HL Sheffield 2023 Programme.png

The last HacktionLab event took place in 2023 at Abbeyfield Park, Pitsmoor, Sheffield from 16th to 18th June.
The cost of the event was £20 for two days of talks, workshops and plenty of chances to meet people and swap ideas.

Live stream of the Community Room at HacktionLab (could be a bit on and off, but do persevere)

Anyone who wanted like to give a talk or lead a workshop or discussion about tech, or any aspect of politics or philosophy that is related to tech, was welcome to do so! If they had an idea for a talk or workshop, they could | join our mailing list and make a suggestion! The mailing list is where all the pre-event discussion happened. Alternatively they could also send suggestions to sheffield2023 at hacktionlab.org.

Here's the list of talks and workshops.

Visit this page for more information.

HacktionLab: Another Technology is Possible...

HacktionLab is UK tech-activist run project that aims to create regular convergence spaces where activists interested and/or working in the areas of alternative media, renewable energy, on-line video distribution, free software or any other form of activism that utilises technology can get together and plan how to better harness the technology (or not) to support grass roots social movements.

Since 2008, we've held the successful BarnCamp rural skills-sharing gathering, the HacktionCamp 2022 hybrid rural-urban get together, and the HacktionLab and Tech Tactics for Social Change urban gatherings. We have also helped to nurture and launch several projects supporting activists and social change mavens, such as Network 23.


Shamanic laptop 4.jpeg

HacktionLab latest news

Hacktioncamp 2022


Hacktionlab was back with a new event in 2022! Hacktioncamp 2022 took place in Todmorden, UK on the 10th, 11th and 12th of June 2022 (camping from the Thursday night)! Soon to be announced is an urban gathering in mid-June 2023. Watch this space!!

It was a HacktionLab / BarnCamp Reunion - featuring discussions on alt-media, radical tech collectives, right-to-repair, free and open source software, the maker mentality, and the old hacker ethic.

There were talks and workshops at Todmorden Makery, plus time to hang out and socialise. See the HacktionCamp 2022 page (work in progress) for workshop ideas, logistics etc.

Older news

Visit this page for more details of and links to all our previous events and collaborations.

  • Our last event was Hacktioncamp 2022, which took place in Todmorden, Yorkshire/Lancashire, England in June 2022.
  • The gathering before that was BarnCamp 2017 from 7th to 12th June 2017 in the Wye Valley.
  • 1in12 Club Bradford HacktionLab gathering. 15-16 November 2014. More info.
  • We returned to the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday 26th April at 1pm to give an abridged and updated version of our talk on in Privacy and the Dark Side of the Net to a packed room of people (the room was pretty small and there were quite a lot of people).
  • We're pleased to have squeezed the second edition of our booklet, Tech Tools for Activism our of the printer's door. Some pre-release copies were distributed at the Movement Support Gathering in Birmingham and the final version were on sale at the London Anarchist Bookfair, and at Shared Planet. If you'd like some copies to distribute or for your locality, please email us at techtoolsbook _at_ hacktionlab _dot_ org.
  • We had a stall at the London Anarchist Bookfair which took place at Queen Mary’s, University of London on Saturday 27th October. It was a lot of fun to meet everyone, faces old and new, and we had a great day.
  • In January 2012 we returned to the brilliant 1-in-12 Club (Bradford) for the third time and the tenth HacktionLab, a gathering of people from various projects that featured a Drupal clinic, and launched Tech Tools for Activism, a new project to provide a co-ordinated gateway into resources for activists in the UK. More on this very soon....
  • There was a gathering of projects involved with HacktionLab in Manchester on the 17th and 18th of September 2011: our ninth gathering at Hacktionlab Manchester 2011.
  • Finally various local HacktionLab collectives are the throes of organising workshop events in their local areas. Get on the list and get in touch if you're interested in organising, giving or attending a workshop.

Contact Details

Nearly all proposals, discussions and news takes place on our (old fashioned) Mailing List. This is the best place to get in touch:

Interesting Links