2019 Tasks

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Revision as of 09:26, 15 April 2019 by Thebrentc (talk | contribs) (→‎Team)
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If you are interested in any of the following tasks please see this invaluable resource for info and ideas: https://mbharris.co.uk/articles/barncamp-a-diy-skillsharing-event/#getting-things-going

Please enter more tasks below as you think of them.

Feel free to start a wiki page for each task and break it down into subtasks - some of them are very big!

For tasks that involve making decisions, obviously very small decisions can be made by individuals or working groups but for larger ones the task involves enabling the wider group to come to a consensus

Working Groups

Each of these groups will take on a set of related tasks. Please join a team by adding your name at the bottom of each section

Liaise with farm


Talk about...

  • food - numbers to feed, dietary requirements
  • need for plates / glasses / mugs etc.
  • straw bales
  • payment
  • compost toilets / pissoir
  • seating & tables
    • Last time there were no seats when we turned up so we had to do a costly last-minute deal with a chair-hire guy - we need to be super-certain that the farm have access to a suitable number of safe seats well in advance
  • level of clutter in the barn
  • requirement for firewood


Publicity / outreach


  • wiki editing & content refresh
  • update booking site blurb (mostly same as wiki)
  • find social media channels / mailing lists / blogs to publicise




  • in advance and at the event...
  • get people to volunteer to give workshops / talks
  • manage timetable
    • rearrange things according to what's on offer
    • "produce" each day, i.e. prompt anyone who needs prompting to do something, make sure workshop spaces are equipped and ready, timekeeping
  • overall facilitation and allocating new roles as required


  • Naomi

Bringing of stuff

People in this team should be able to get to the site with the stuff on Wednesday


Beg, borrow or steal...

  • Power distribution equipment
    • 3-phase splitter
    • C-type terminated 16A cabling, some long runs - Sam has 10m 16cable
    • lots of 4-way extensions
  • Networks
    • router
    • switch
    • wireless access point x 2
    • ethernet-over-power
    • long runs of ethernet cable
  • Projectors & screens - Sam has projector, powerful but slightly noisy fan
  • "burner" phone & SIM
  • Structures
    • OARC marquee and a party tent
  • Driving a van (or two) to get the stuff to the site
  • Buying anything we're missing (discuss budget/expenses with Registration Team)
  • Plan & deploy power & data networks on-site


Registration & Welcome desk


  • Reanimate registration site
  • Set start & end dates for registration
  • Set prices (d/w farm liason)
  • Set & keep on track budget
  • Keep track of payments received
  • Set up & oversee welcome process


Fun things


  • fire - check wood supply with farm liaison
  • booze - buy & haul cider boxes & ale casks
  • set up and run bar
  • bonfire
  • provide & manage entertainments
  • set noise curfew
