Tech Tactics for Social Change Oxford 2017

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 Oxford Hackspace on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October

A HacktionLab event in Oxford in collaboration with Oxford Hackspace comprising two days of talks and workshops on ways of harnessing technology for your campaign or organisation. Speakers from Oxford Hackspace, HacktionLab,, Transition by Design, Refugee Resource, Trident Ploughshares, Homeless Hack, New Internationalist, and many more…

For more information and to sign-up or send a proposal visit the Tech Tactics for Social Change website

Resources from TTFSC Oxford 2017

Saturday 21st

  1. Entering a World of Technology - Sushila Dhall (Refugee Resource)
  2. How we become (almost) the world's largest media co-operative - Charlie Harvey (New Internationalist)
  3. Who Owns Oxford? - Charlie Fisher (Transition By Design)
  4. Opening up Oxford planning - Tim Lund (Oxford Yimby)
  5. #Homelesshack Oxford: Why it didn't happen - Neil Lawrence (#Homelesshack Oxford)
  6. Non Violent Protest and it usefulness. Technology and Affinity Groups - Sarah Lasenby (Trident Ploughshares)
  7. Humanitarian Open StreetMaps
  8. Hacking Gender - Valentina Messeri (HacktionLab)