Hacktioncamp 2022

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HacktionLab presents "That tech is mine!": a hacktionlab / barnCamp Reunion - featuring discussions on alt-media, radical tech collectives, right to repair, free and open source software, the maker mentality, and the old hacker ethic.

Dates - Friday 10th, Saturday 11th, and Sunday 12th June 2022

Location - https://todmordenmakery.org.uk/ and other rooms in - https://tlchub.org.uk/ and private camping nearby

Main Idea

A reunion of people and ideas that went on at BarnCamps and Hacktionlabs. Friends of Friends welcome as we can let them know the general vibe.

See HacktionCamp 20202 Workshops to propose and review the workshops.


Unconference (with some organising to make sure we have enough sessions). It's a DIY event but there are some roles for coordinating this and that. See HacktionCamp 2022 Roles

Timing, accommodation, Booking

  • Arrival from - Thursday 9th June - You can camp till Monday night too if you want to.
  • Event Proper starts - Friday 3pm till Sunday 3pm
  • Cost: £25 for the workshops and £10 per night for the camping
  • Accommodation: A campsite central to Todmorden only 5 mins walk from the Golden Lion
  • Booking - Please book your place here Book here

Alt Alt Alt


Food: Camp Catering and at the College is possible - There are lots of places to eat in Todmorden. How involved this is still not confirmed.

Other links for accommodation

Hebden Bridge Hostel - https://independenthostels.co.uk/members/hebdenbridgehostel/ Some beds are available in people's houses - ask on the hacktionlab list.


If you want to know more about Hacktionlab and barncamps see this website - https://hacktionlab.org/

Workshops / Sessions

While this is an unconference and you are free to arrive with rough ideas. It is helpful to have some workshops planned and shared in advance.

See If you can please do add on to the workshops page here.

Other things we could cover:

"Free Software: A New Hope" - a operatic spectacular about the life of Richard M Stallman, the Obi Wan of the Free Software movement (although I feel he was probably a member of the Sith - RMS that is). (Mike would like to play Larry Wall if possible)

Other Activities and Entertainment


  • Informal social and Film Screening at the Makery Workshop till 8-9pm
  • Campsite, fireside chat and music


  • Entertainment at the Golden Lion is normally loud and friendly
  • Campsite, fireside chat and music


  • Walk to Tod Beach / Gaddings Dam - with option of a swim
  • Campsite, fireside chat and music


  • HacktionLab List
  • Personal Invites to Friends and Friends of Friends
  • Makery Members
  • Local tech people from Tod and Hebden