BarnCamp 2009

From HacktionLab: A UK-wide network tech-activists providing meet-ups, events, workshops, national skillshare gatherings and hacklabs
Revision as of 16:32, 11 June 2009 by MikeHarris (talk | contribs)
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HacktionLab has started!

We're setting up and nearly running up at Highbury Farm, just getting everything on-line. If you're on your way and need some advice, please call the HacktionLab HotLine on 0777 632 6315. You'll also need to know about how to get there and you should definitely read this whole page for all the information you need.

What is HacktionLab?

A rural hack meeting in the beautiful Wye Valley from Thursday 11th till Sunday 14th June 2009.

The 3rd installment of HacktionLab is a convergence at Highbury Farm in the Wye Valley (Wales) where people interested and/or working in the areas of alternative media, renewable energy, on-line video distribution, free software and any other form of activism that utilises technology.

The idea for the gathering has come from a number of years of experience gained by activists working for organisations such as Indymedia and includes specific experience from involvement in the Horizone Eco-Village in Stirling (2005), the Camps for Climate Action in Drax (2006), Heathrow (2007) and Kingsnorth (2008) as well as the No Borders camp at Gatwick (2007). We have had two successful gatherings so far, a rural hack meeting in the Wye Valley in June 2008 and an urban one in Leeds in October 2008.

The last rural HacktionLab took place between 13 - 15 June 2008 and we have slide-show of photos from the weekend as well as this exciting short video too.

Do come if you have experience(s) to share with others in order to encourage the amount of shared knowledge in the UK-wide media, free software and alternative technology activist network. The weekend is most suitable for activists using media, geeks and hackers (as opposed to crackers) but would also be of interest to anyone else that is interested in attending is most welcome.

You can find out more about where HacktionLab is held and how to get there by visiting this page


We are hoping to keep the cost per person to no more than twenty pounds per person for camping for 3 nights and food (nine meals) for the weekend. Apart from the cost of food and camping, the donation also helps to cover a few additional costs for transport of equipment (and tolls for Severn Bridge) and planning. Last year we were able to be able to make an additional donation to Highbury Farm from the donations received and we hope to do so again. Left over funds are kept in the HacktionLab pot for future gatherings.


Kids are most welcome, however we will not be arranging any crêche facilities.


Evening events could include a couple of bands, some open mic, some poetry, and some decent organic cyder around a fire of course ;)

Food & drink

There will be food and drink provided during HacktionLab. Highbury Farm is a pretty much a vegan farm and the food will be primarily vegan with some additions, such as milk, and eggs as an option for breakfast. Highbury Farm requests that meat is not brought or cooked on site; so please don't, thanks. There is an excellent pub (the Boat Inn) across the valley within walking distance that serves fine ales and ciders and also serves meat dishes for those who cannot do without. If you are coming could you please fill out the meals that you'll be there for. We do really need to know. Just enter your name (or code name, or whatever) along with any handy information about your diet or allergies you think we ought to know (within reason).

Tea, coffee and infusions will be provide within the cost of attending. We hope also to have local organic ale and cyder available at a fair price.

Logistics & Planning

We have a separate page for planning HacktionLab and organising what needs to be done and who is doing what. If you're interested, get on over to the HacktionLab 2009/01 logistics page.

Hacktionlab1.jpg Hacktionlab3.jpg Hacktionlab5.jpg

2009 Programme

More in-depth details and notes about the workshops can be found at HacktionLab 2009/01 workshop details.

Thursday 11th June

  • Forward crew arrive in the morning to set up mess tent and other core infrastructure. Anyone who wishes should be encouraged to be involved in this, as the set-up forms part of the skills sharing.
  • Majority arrive in afternoon, set-up camp
  • Supper and fireside gathering.

Friday 12th June

  • Breakfast
  • Open circle, introduction and planning
  • Lunch
  • Workshop slot #1:
  • Workshop slot #2: Renewable energy
  • Workshop slot #3: L.A.S.E.R. Tag and stencils aka Project Green Lantern
  • Dinner
  • Entertainment

Saturday 13th June

  • Breakfast
  • Workshop slot #4: Developments in wireless technology, 802.11n, 3G and WiMax and how they can be used for media activism.
  • Workshop slot #5:
  • Workshop slot #6: Does Big Sister Care? Security for activists in an unsecure world...
  • Lunch
  • Workshop slot #7: DIY Media in a Web 2.0 World - debates and discussion.
  • Workshop slot #8:
  • Workshop slot #9: This year's Climate Camp, Copenhagen and other activist gatherings: proposals for technical and independent media support.
  • Dinner (with key-signing party immediately prior to dinner)
  • Party

Sunday 14th June

  • Breakfast
  • Reflexions and proposals for next HacktionLab
  • Lunch
  • Parting of company
  • Tat-down team: 1,2,3....tat-down! Anyone who wishes should be encouraged to be involved in this, as the set-up forms part of the skills sharing and tatting down is much easier with more hands.

Monday 15th June

Core crew team leave site Sunday evening or Monday morning.

Please note the programme is still being developed and as this is a hack lab event, will be further developed during HacktionLab.