Difference between revisions of "Table of who's bring things to Barncamp 2019"

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Tag: visualeditor
Tag: visualeditor
Line 18: Line 18:
|lots of 4-way extensions
|lots of 4-way extensions
|Brent has 10m 4-way reel, and a couple of longer 4-ways
Line 43: Line 43:
|long runs of ethernet cable
|long runs of ethernet cable
|Brent has 1 x medium and 1 x shorter
Line 72: Line 72:
|Tarpsand poles?
|Tarps and poles?
|Brent has a couple of tarps
Line 84: Line 84:
|Projectors & screens
|Projectors & screens
|Sam has projector, powerful but slightly noisy fan
|Sam has projector, powerful but slightly noisy fan
Brent has white shower curtain approx 175mm x 175mm?

Revision as of 19:35, 2 May 2019

Category Equipment Who providing Notes
Power 3-phase splitter
C-type terminated 16A cabling, some long runs Sam has 10m 16cable
lots of 4-way extensions Brent has 10m 4-way reel, and a couple of longer 4-ways
Networks router
wireless access point x 2
long runs of ethernet cable Brent has 1 x medium and 1 x shorter
Structures OARC marquee and a party tent
Kitchen Cooking facilities
Eating utensils
Cleaning facilities
Toilets? Tarps and poles? Brent has a couple of tarps
Entertainment Sound system of some kind / speakers / PA
Workshops Projectors & screens Sam has projector, powerful but slightly noisy fan

Brent has white shower curtain approx 175mm x 175mm?

Welcome desk Laptop With BAMS (TBC)
First aid?
Other "burner" phone & SIM