Manchester 2011 Register

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Please Register

It is to make sure we have enough accommodation, snacks and drinks. Also an idea of how many people are coming is helpful for organising the sessions.

It is also a way of putting down your travel costs. We are looking at trying to even out people's travel costs. So if you are paying a lot or a little and are prepared to give or get money for your travel then say YES to the travel pool. Hacktionlab will also contribute some of its funds to the pool too.

You can put in what ever details you like here really if you are worried about being identified on this public wiki.

Back to the Hacktionlab Manchester 2011

NickName or Temp Alias Interested in which sessions Need Accommodation? Details for travel pool Car share offered / wanted
6037169 All the Sessions Yes (though I can stay in me van) I can contribute, chip in a bit, but also can offer lifts. I have a spaces going from Oxford
Fuzzlike All the Sessions No I'm local so I'll chip in a 10-20 quid to the travel pool n/a
penguin Mostly BTM, Tech Tools, tour workshops Yes - Fri & Sat Skint. sorry Would like lift from Oxford if poss. Otherwise train
Benx All the Sessions Yes please, probably will arrive Friday, leave Monday Sunday Usually get train, will cost about £30 if I book the tickets now Booked train tickets - cost £42 If anyone's travelling by Edinburgh, otherwise I'll get the train. n/a
BenG Tech Tools, Tour, maybe a bit of catalyst. Yes please, probably arrive Friday, leave Sunday or Monday, but easy if there's a lift. Train, will cost about £60 if I book, £70 otherwise. Looking a bit steep. Could really really do with a lift from Bristol or anywhere cheaper than Manchester to get to. Up for petrol money, but not for being crapped on by the rail companies.
chickpea priority is catalyst-oriented stuff + anything else I can squeeze in Yes please, Saturday and maybe Sunday depending on transport I'll try to chuck in a tenner (though train tickets are looking expensive :S) A lift from London or anywhere sort of near - happy to pay for petrol - (maybe Oxford van makes sense?)
dissident werewolf catalyst stuff, radio stuff Yes please, Saturday and maybe Sunday depending on transport Will do best to contribute A lift from London or anywhere near - happy to pay for petrol - (maybe Oxford van makes sense?)
Zek All sessions n/a local Will contribute £10 n/a local
Beth and John ALL THE THINGS No, thank you. Will contribute what we can A lift from Sheffield, but we can quite easily get the train if not.
John Braincell (dissident island) catalyst stuff, radio stuff Yes please, Saturday and maybe Sunday depending on transport Will contribute what I can A lift from London or anywhere near by if possible

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