Bristol Anarchist Bookfair 2013

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Revision as of 19:47, 26 January 2013 by Gremble (talk | contribs)
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schulze voting system This is the fairest method of voting yet devised.

Talk would discuss:

  • how is it fair?
  • why we should use it.
  • why we shouldn't use it.

econsensus - this is a site by associates of Mike's. I can't get it to do anything useful - how do I create a proposal???


A discussion of a new type of client: Electrum. Is it secure? Is it a good idea?

We would demonstrate a bitcoin transaction.

anarchy and free software

How is free software anarchist? To what degree does it kick frickin' ass?

locals currency

Mike has mate who is into some software to help people sort out local currencies, such as LETS. It would be good to have a look at it.


A look at the progress


Oracle, from a free software perspective at the least. are almost the
