BarnCamp 2015 worksop ideas scratchpad

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Workshop proposals for BarnCamp in June 2015. Book on-line.

Microslots (5-10 mins)

Oxford Geek Nights do these 5 minute things called microslots. Propose to have these once, or maybe twice, during the event. Format would be: stand up for 5 - 10 mins with slides if you wish and tell us about your self/project/org/thoughts/need for cash.

Proposals for Microslots:

  • [[StrawberryTARTS] Strawberry TARTS]: what are they and why you need one?

Workshops (1-2 hours)

These are workshops/talks of between one and two hours in length.

Your blog and on-line communities with Wordpress Networks

The idea of this workshop is to look at running your own blog running Wordpress' software whilst avoiding corporate providers, such as The workshop will have a special focus on a network of Wordpress sites, such as, and how to build a community around this. We'll look at the differences between, the commercial company, and, the open source software; how to register your domain and set it up; an overview of managing your blog, with a focus on audio, video and networking tools; and finally a discussion and proposals for how to build a better community.

The workshop will be based around both a local install of multisite Wordpress so that people can create and play with their own blogs, as well as the online service, where people are invited to bring their own domains with them to see how to link their web site address up to their blog. We'll use the FLOSS Manual pages for Wordpress and have some networked computers available to use.

Hands-on workshop and discussion
2 hours
Level of technical skill
Nerd factor
low (all though it is computer stuff)
projector, local web server, Bristol Wireless computer suite, internet, bring yourself and your computer, and your own domain if you have one.