BarnCamp 2019 ideas scratchpad

From HacktionLab: A UK-wide network tech-activists providing meet-ups, events, workshops, national skillshare gatherings and hacklabs
Revision as of 13:04, 14 May 2019 by DarrenR (talk | contribs) (This is the initial skeleton of a notice that I plan to populate over the next few days before inviting others to contribute.)
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Example Entry

Proposed by
Exampley Mc Exampleface
3-4 years
Some experience of using a wiki required
Laptop and 10 mice, USB hub (10 port)
up to 10 people all huddled round a laptop and USB hub with 10 mice in it

You will learn how to make generic fictional entries into wiki pages, demostrating the format of the page expected, together with some humour. You will also use bullet points to:

  • show how bullet points are used in Mediawiki
  • add some much needed recursive self reference
  • make friends

You'll then finish off your description with how exciting workshop will be, or with an uncomfortable orphan sentence type paragraph.

This is the end of the example.

Avoiding paywalls to access academic research publications

Proposed by
1-2 hours
Ability to use Tor Browser
Projector and screen. All participants to provide own laptop
5-10 people

You will:

  • Explore some of the free repositories of scientific publications on the internet
    • sci-hub
    • libgen
  • and tools like unpaywall
  • discuss different ideas about ownership, propriety and freedom of information
  • remember Aaron Swartz and some of the other people who have made this possible
  • if time permits, discuss how to carry out a systematic literature review using these resources

Ensuring Public Accountability Using Blockchain Technology

Proposed by
Darren Rhodes
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced

You will:

  • Please do not begin to populate this notice until I remove this line.
  • this is an initial call for expressions of interest
  • I plan to give more details over the next few days so that people can see where there are gaps and how they can fill them

To be filled in by DR