BarnCamp Event Contact Information

From HacktionLab: A UK-wide network tech-activists providing meet-ups, events, workshops, national skillshare gatherings and hacklabs
Revision as of 10:16, 31 May 2013 by Acesabe (talk | contribs) (→‎IRC: added irc chan deets)
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How to get in touch

Want to ask a question? Can't find Barncamp? Get in touch:


Mailing list


During and shortly before the event there will be two telephone lines open: 01600888298 (UK landline voicemail from week before the event, then live during the event) or 07******** (UK mobile during the event from the Wednesday morning of the event until end). Mobile signal is patchy onsite, so if you can't get through, try again. The landline (VoIP) will be onsite from Thursday (once we have network infra set up) so should be more reliable than mobile.


Join us in the chat channel: (or port 7000 or 7070 the only 3 SSL ports) see

channel #barncamp

IRC chat? It's like an old fashioned WhatsApp/BBM/FBchat! Lots of us use XChat coz it's the best!