Big Green Gathering 2009

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Be the Media Bristol Wireless Cybertent at Big Green Gathering 2009

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At the Big Green Gathering in 2009 we will be involved in running the Be the Media Bristol Wireless Cybertent - see organising page. The Big Green runs from Wednesday 29th July until Sunday 2nd August.

As well as all day free software, solar and wind powered Internet access provided by Bristol Wireless, we have a fully loaded programme of workshops covering everything from web 2.0 media activism and video production to privacy & security for activists, free software for home education and tips for running your own live Internet radio station. Do come along, see what's going on and get involved.

Don't hate the media, be the media: Following the recent G20 protests in London and the advent of social networks and other web 2.0 technologies, Indymedia's raison d'être is possibly now even more relevant than when the grass roots alternative media network began during the 1999 protests against the WTO in Seattle. With participation from Indymedia, Clearer Channel, HacktionLab and Bristol Wireless amongst others, the Be the Media space is the place to find out about DIY media and get involved in a host of exciting debates and workshops about everything from producing your own media to intellectual property, copyright and the Creative Commons. The space also features a suite of recycled computers providing daily solar and wind powered Internet access courtesy of Bristol Wireless and evening cinema showing independent grass-roots films. Check the board outside the space for up-to-date details of what's on.

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The full programme as above is also available as a google doc and will appear in the official area programme. If you want to see how we arrived at the programme have a look at this page about the programme of workshops at the Big Green Gathering 2009.