Be the Media space at Big Green Gathering 2009

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Revision as of 22:46, 13 May 2009 by MikeHarris (talk | contribs)
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What was in 2007 two spaces: Be the Media and the Bristol Wireless Cybertent would be one single space in 2009. The team would be made up of those who have previously done the BGG and also the same space at the Camp for Climate Action as well as HacktionLab.



The space would be a largish tent providing sufficient space to have the new improved suite of BW computers in one part alongside a stall of alternative media videos and information as a space for discussions, debates and workshops; these latter we are currently working on defining.

We have currently ordered the following from the BGG:

  • A 30' x 30' army-style tent of a dark canvass (or white if not available), similar to the 2007 Be the Media tent at the BGG.
  • 8 trestle tables
  • 16 chairs

Bristol Wireless also has the following:

  • 2 trestle tables
  • 12+ lightweight aluminium chairs.
  • 6m x 4m lightweight 'party' tent for crew kitchen/chilling.

We could also do with ordering the following from the BGG:

  • Matting (some flooring is available)
  • Wooden pole for wireless mast (we can order one of these from the big green, need an auger to sink it)

Jean Vidler has offered us some wooden flooring:

Green Futures has a bit of slot-together marquee flooring, 400 sq ft. We
will be taking it to Glastonbury, so it might be a bit muddy depending on
conditions. We can usually get hold of bits of carpet as well. We would bill
for fuel to transport it there. Somebody from the IT marquee would have to
lay it and pack it back up for despatch - 8 staff hours in all I suppose.

That implies quite a lot of work.

Workshops & debates

This year the workshops and debates will be in the BGG programme accompanied by an article of 150 words, a link and a picture. The deadline for the article is end of May and the programme grid mid-June.

For more details, see the special page on BGG 2009 workshop planning

BGG Web site

We need to produce some short content for the BGG web site, somewhere here:

In Jean's words: "image/s would be doesn't have to be long & flowery..."

Time table / activities

Current proposal is to have each day:

  • morning internet session
  • morning workshop session
  • afternoon workshop session
  • afternoon internet session
  • evening internet session (optional)
  • evening diy-media film showing

We need to work this into a schedule.


We need the following crew:

  • Those willing to arrive the Saturday or Sunday before the festival and help set up the space.
  • Those willing to run the space during the event.
  • Those willing to provide back-room tech support to the space during the event.
  • Those willing to tat-down the space at the end of the festival, staying till the Tuesday afterwards.
  • Those looking to facilitate debates and run workshops.

Along side these roles we may also have some guests who come to get involved in the workshops and debates.

Bristol Wireless production IT crew

Bristol Wireless is providing some production IT services this year. This is a paid opportunity and Bristol Wireless will be responsible for providing staffing for this in addition to the crew for the be the media space. Crew can moonlight before the event (from the 23rd onwards) to work on the production side.


The space would be powered again by Magrec, but this time would have the additional support of Sam Rossiter and his wind generator and batteries, as opposed to Ray-Mundo, who is not available this year. Mike also has limited power on-board his van.

Power requirements

Group/activity Running time (per day) Average power (watts) Daily consumption (kWh)
Bristol Wireles cybersuite
Debating/talk space


Internet connectivity for the space would be provided by a dedicated satellite dish located behind the Be the Media space. We are considering an additional wireless infrastructure link back to the production area to connect to the internet access back there: this gives a two-way fall-over backup.


John will be bringing his LED project for us to show films in the evening and also VisionOn.TV, the new project of Undercurrents would be on board with their World's smallest cinema to show grass roots films and also to take part in the running of workshops.

Current actions

ACTION: Mike, Sean & Ben to provide full crew numbers to Jean. ACTION: Ben to work on programme outline, Mike to write article. All to contribute to programme. ACTION: to provide their proposal and crew requirements. ACTION: Write article for web site. ACTION: To launch Doodle.

Completed actions

DONE: Jean to confirm Mike's request for the BGG to source a 30'x30' army-style marquee along with eight trestle tables and 16 chairs.

DONE: Mike to liaise with Clive, Sam R and Sam H over power provision for space.

DONE: Mike to liaise with VisionOn.TV as to their involvement and ticket and crew requirements.