HacktionLab Summer 2023

From HacktionLab: A UK-wide network tech-activists providing meet-ups, events, workshops, national skillshare gatherings and hacklabs
Revision as of 16:37, 2 March 2023 by Ekes (talk | contribs)
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The next HacktionLab gathering will take place in at Abbeyfield House, in Abbeyfield Park, Pitsmoor, Sheffield, UK from Friday 16th June to Sunday 18th June 2023. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbeyfield_Park

Interesting in coming and getting involved? Get in touch by our mailing list.


Friday: Day

Talks and Workshops at Abbeyfield House

Friday: Evening

Meet-up with a social evening, maybe films and music at DINA https://www.dinavenue.com/

Saturday: Day

Talks and workshops at Abbeyfield House with lunch provided.

Saturday: Evening

Food and drink at the Bay Horse Pub, Pitsmoor

Sunday: Day

Brunch and more talks and workshops at Abbeyfield House.


Workshop proposals and ideas are being collated at Workshops for HacktionLab Summer 2023. If you already have a login for this wiki, please go to that page to add your own proposals, otherwise, why not our mailing list to make a proposal.


We can offer limited accomodation in people’s spare rooms / floors, and also there are many hotel, guest house and B&B offerings in Sheffield. We realise accomodation can be costly, and are investigating other low-cost options. Watch this space for more details.


There will be a contribution, which we will announce soon. Final amount will depend slightly on numbers.


yourself to the signup sheet password: sheffield