BarnCamp 2013 ideas scratchpad
Revision as of 21:05, 19 August 2012 by MikeHarris (talk | contribs)
A page to gather together ideas for the next BarnCamp in June 2013.
Overall themes
Overall ideas for theming the event, such as current trends, emerging technologies, etc.
Workshop ideas
These are workshops/talks of between one and two hours in length.
Longer, half-day hack sessions
Sessions to be held on the Thursday or Friday that are 3-5 hours in length.
Events and entertainment ideas
Stuff to do in the evenings.
Am not sure the main stage thing has always worked. We need someone to manage it and it would be good to have a main band on the Saturday night if we were to (adelayde).
Campfire sing songs are always much easier as they just happen (adelayde).
Anything else
Anything else you can think of.
Areas for production aspects
Areas that need sorting I can think are:
- workshop spaces: tables, chairs, pens, flip charts, plug sockets, projectors, screens, laptops, structures
- toilets: straw bales, tarps, structures, lighting, loo roll.
- kitchen: food, tea and coffee, structure, cooking equipment, washing up facilities, crokery and cutlery
- fire: fire pit, wood, fire extinguishers, etc.
- site: flat land for camping, proximity to toilets, fire precautions, sign-posting, transport
- welcome desk: table, chairs, pens, booking system, finance and payments, contact telephone numbers, volunteers
- workshop/barncamp/hack session planning
- ents: stage or no stage, sound system, DJs, campfire entertainment, etc.
- bar: beer, cider, soft drinks, float, cashbox, physical bar space, staffing.
- infrastructure: on-site internet and wifi, ethernet cabling, mains cabling
- promotion: graphic design and concept, flyers and posters, web site, distribution of materials, mailing to lists, promotion at other events, getting the word out there generally.