BarnCamp 2011 Hack Session Proposals

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This page is for adding work session proposals for future BarnCamp-style events and will most likely be used to develop the work sessions to take place during BarnCamp 2011.

Work sessions are an opportunity for people to getting together and work on a bigger project. The project could be a technical one, or it could be about strategy, writing, design, building something, whatever. It's primarily thought that it's a chance for the right group of people to be all together in the right space at the same time and get some work done.

A work session might last somewhere between four hours and a whole day, and could lead to ongoing work throughout the rest of the BarnCamp event, should those involved wish to do so.

For BarnCamp 2011, the work sessions are scheduled to take place on Friday 10th June.


Copy and use the following template to describe your work session proposal:

Title of Work Session

Proposed by
put your name or alias here
programming, design, strategy, writing, editing, sustainability, 12 volt, cooking, whatever really.
put time in minutes, e.g. 45 mins
Required space
e.g. indoor, outdoor, field, barn, river
say whether you need computers, a projector, a sledge hammer, etc.
say something about your workshop in this space, write as much or as little as you like at this present time.

Yep, I'm interested

  • edit this page
  • and add your name to
  • the list of those interested
  • in the session



Proposed by
Skill sets
programmers, designers, journalists, strategists
four hours minimum
Required space
we'd need internet access, a flip chart and some computers.
recently Oxford IMC has been playing about with an special "indylive" page to cover events. This page does the controversial act of pulling a live Twitter feed in to it. We'd like to take it further and produce a template for it to use at a UK level. Let's have a workshop to discuss what we can do, privacy and polictical issues that may come up, and get down to some coding to get a reasonable prototype running. The current prototype is at Oxford IMC at

Yep, I'm interested

  • adelayde
  • penguin
  • chickpea

IMC using Drupal 7

Proposed by
Skill sets
programmers, designers, users, journalists, strategists
four hours minimum, but probably a day would be good.
Required space
we'd need internet access, a flip chart and some computers.
recently Oxford IMC has decided to move to a new CMS to run it's site. Currently, having discussed and put aside Mir, Hyperactive, Joomla, Wordpress and Occailt, we've plumped for Drupal 7. We done a bit of work on this, but if we could gather together a load of people with Drupal and PHP experience in the same place to exchange ideas, hold hands, do quick masterclasses and mainly hack together a working D7IMC, that'd be fantastic.

Yep, I'm interested

  • adelayde
  • penguin
  • chickpea