BarnCamp 2010

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A Barn Camp meeting in the beautiful Wye Valley from Thursday 11th till Sunday 14th June 2009.

Wye Valley, 11-13 June 2010*

The 3rd edition of our summer camp at Highbury Farm in the beautiful Wye valley taking place between the 11th and 13th June* and this year entitled BarnCamp, it'll feature two days of workshops, discussions and practical looking at how technology can be useful (and dangerous) for canpaigners, community activists and general trouble makers. Highlights involve;

  • 12v power - running tech in the field
  • Free Network Services - How communication can be more ethical and autonomous in the days of the Corporate information services
  • Multimedia and music - Share how to Communicate messages and media in our peer to peer learning workshops
  • Free software and security - ever wanted to communicate securely (come one everyone has a secret or two!)

In the evening there will be both indoor and fireside entertainment, and plenty of time to meet people, and chill.

More details to are available on our organising website

There's about the (small) fee we need to run the event, you'll need to sign-up, there's info about transport, and what workshops to expect or how to offer a workshop in our Barncamp knowledge extravaganza.

In the meantime, if you're interested in coming or getting involved in the running, Get in touch via our mailing list.