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; Number: up to 5
; Number: up to 5
Open discussion about the topic above following the script: https://itsfoss.com/best-video-editing-software-linux/
Open discussion about the topic above following as possible guide: [https://itsfoss.com/best-video-editing-software-linux/ 5 best video editing software linux/]
gnu-Linux system BYOD activity:D
Be aware that most of the journal article out there are crap (written by someone who never had direct experience; a simple list of software)
It's a Gnu-Linux system [[BYOD]] activity :D
= Greener Tech / Energy Descent =
= Greener Tech / Energy Descent =

Revision as of 10:36, 2 June 2017

Workshop Ideas

Example Entry

Proposed by
Exampley Mc Exampleface
3-4 years
Some experience of using a wiki required
Laptop and 10 mice, USB hub (10 port)
up to 10 people all huddled round a laptop and USB hub with 10 mice in it

You will learn how to make generic fictional entries into wiki pages, demostrating the format of the page expected, together with some humour. You will also use bullet points to:

  • show how bullet points are used in Mediawiki
  • add some much needed recursive self reference
  • make friends

You'll then finish off your description with how exciting workshop will be, or with an uncomfortable orphan sentence type paragraph.

This is the end of the example.


Life's a Git, and then you use it

Proposed by
45 mins (talk/demo) to 2 hours (interactive workshop)
experience of using the Linux, Windows or OS X command line.
projector, laptop, people can bring their own laptops (or use BW laptop suite if it still exists).

How to use Git in essence. How to keep it simple.

  • what Git is and what uses can it be put to
  • how does it work (branches, commits and repositories)
  • how to set one up for your file system
  • how to add files and commit them
  • how to delete files and commit them
  • how to roll-back and move the HEAD about
  • how to clone a repository
  • what GitHub is and how to set up a remote bare bones master repository
  • how to push and pull
  • what to do when you get in a mess

Audio signal processing using interactive python

Proposed by
Marcus V
1 h 45 mins
To appreciate the sounds and laugh (hopefully) at the jokes: none. To follow the maths: undergraduate level maths or physics or engineering or computer science.
projector, laptop, PA to play the sounds.

Marvel as I attempt to compress a term's worth of undergraduate level signal processing content into 90 minutes. Using interactive python we will whip up a drawbar organ, a fuzz box, a classic disco bass line and much more from first principles.

Spectogram of all 16 DTMF tone combinations.png

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legacy Code

Proposed by
45 minutes
experience of programming at a intermediate to advanced level - nerd gag warning!!
projector, laptop (have one)

Legacy Code. I never wrote it; everybody else did! How many times have you waded through an ageing, decaying, tangled forrest of code and wished it would just die? How many times have you heard someone say that what really needs to happen is a complete rewrite? I have heard this many times, and, have uttered that fatal sentence myself. But shouldn’t we love our legacy code? Doesn’t it represent our investment and the hard work of ourselves and our predecessors?

Throwing it away is dangerous, because, before we do, we’ll need to work out exactly what it does, and we’ll need to tweeze out that critical business logic nestled in a deeply entangled knot of IF statements. It could take us years to do, and we’ll have to maintain two systems whilst we do it, inevitably adding new features to them both. Yes we get to reimplement using the latest, coolest programming language, instead of an old behemoth, but how long will our new cool language be around, and who will maintain that code, when it itself inevitably turns to legacy?

We can throw our arms in the air, complaining and grumbling about how we didn’t write the code, how we would never have written it the way it is, how those that wrote it were lesser programmers, possibly lesser humans themselves, but the code still remains, staring us in the face and hanging around for longer that we could possibly imagine. We can sort it out, we can improve it, we can make it testable, and we can learn to love our legacy code.

System Administration

Introduction to CiviCRM

Proposed by
Cassidy McGurk
1 to 2 hours
No experience necessary
Projector, fast laptop, internet access for attendees
up to 15?

CiviCRM is an Open Source project to produce better than commercial CRM for campaigns and not-for-profit organisations | More on CiviCRM

Basic introduction for newbies with hands-on examples of basic administration tasks

Communities Skill Swap

Proposed by
Cassidy McGurk
2 hours

Many barn campers are active members of different community-based projects, whether that is an Open Source project on the net or a local tech collective or a housing co-op. I'd like to lead an open discussion on what our project's structures, processes, successes and failures can learn from each other

Media Applications

GIMP 2.10 prospective new features demo

Proposed by
Ben Green
0.5 to 1 hour depending on takers.
No experience of gimp necessary.
Projector, fast laptop.
any number of people

GIMP has come a long way since 2.8, but hardly anyone has seem the results. The hugely long development cycle leaves us punters mostly in the dark. This talk seeks to inspire GIMP users, and potential GIMP users about what's happened, why, and the implications artists, developers, and for the nature of the universe.


Proposed by
Ben Green
2 hours
No experience of Scribus needed.
Projector, fast laptop.
Max 10 or so

Scribus is one of the best publishing packages available. I'll show you how to use it to get documents together quickly. We'll be using the latest 1.5 development release.

Each person will need a copy installed, I'll post details, it's an easy package to install as there are Windows builds and an AppImage for Linux.

Command Line Guru Conversion Course Parts 1 and 2

Proposed by
Ben Green
.5 - 2 hours
No experience needed
Some computer of some sort
up to 20

Taking beginner and intermediate users through command line use of a linux computer. For those with windows, we'll take you through first connecting to a linux computer. Part 2 will be for those who's thirst for knowledge was not sated by Part 1.

Linux Video Tools

Proposed by
1-2 hours
a minimal experience in non-linear video editing and video formats is mandatory
small space, no projector
up to 5

Open discussion about the topic above following as possible guide: 5 best video editing software linux/ Be aware that most of the journal article out there are crap (written by someone who never had direct experience; a simple list of software) It's a Gnu-Linux system BYOD activity :D

Greener Tech / Energy Descent

(Still) re-using computers in our communities

Proposed by
1 - 2 hours depending on number of people
Some experience of keeping old computers in use
Nothing special
up to 20

At the last BarnCamp, we had a discussion about personal computer re-use, and how this could be linked to community education and different kinds of organisation/business. Many BarnCampers are involved with these kind of activities. Let's catch up with how we've been developing our re-use practices (e.g. lessons learned from setting up http://re-pute.it/), take stock of current challenges and resources available, and talk about how we can support each other as a network of practitioners.

Social and Political Activism

Anarchy in the GR

Proposed by
Time, Numbers
as it comes
available from the bar

Talk & discussion about the anarchist movement in Athens, the refugee housing projects, the tech work I've been trying to do there and why I've almost entirely failed to do anything.

Practical activities


Proposed by
.5 - 2 hours
No experience needed
a modicum of enthusiasm
up to 20

how to make a difference. Discussions on applying tech skills to aiding activism. How to get involved. How to explore and expand interests. Current topics of interest. Where are efforts best aimed?

12/240 volt electrics for a campervan refit

Proposed by
1 hour
No previous experience, but if you know some DC electric stuff, it'd help me!
Project for inside bit (possibly), but otherwise outside at van
As many as can practically see

I've recently done up my third van for use as a camper. I've installed a secondary battery supply to provide both 12volt DC and 240volt AC supplies. Thought I'd show folks around how it fits together and what kit you need. Will try to cover:

  • batteries one can use
  • cables and connectors
  • split charge relays
  • fuses
  • 12 volt lighting
  • 240 volt cabling and inverters
  • RCD protection of 240volt circuits
  • Earthing
  • Some basic theory if there's time

The workshop should be pretty exciting. We can look at some theory, before or after, having a look at the van wiring and discussing how I did it, and how you could do it.

Cool Running

Proposed by
1-2 hours
none - could be inclusive of kids with supervision
laptops of varying ages (participants to bring their own)
up to 5 people at once, but can drift in & out - informal

This activity uses a plug-in 240V power meter to measure power consumption of laptops, from which the battery has been removed. Each user is asked to get their lappy to run some standard tasks (e.g. play a video, or more formal benchmarks), and its power consumption is measured. Participants can then compare how energy-hungry their machine is compared to others, and how much energy they can save by changing how they use the machine. I've done this at village fairs etc. and it gets people talking and thinking about tech and energy.

The activity can be adjusted according to the experience of attendees...

  • we can go on to look at BIOS tweaks
  • sysctl / powertop adjustments
  • simple measures like reducing backlight levels
  • simple maths to convert energy use into CO2 emissions / what you Earthlings call 'Money'
  • demonstrates an experimental paradigm to people who might not like science
  • tabulating results and producing graphs of results

UnMonastery/ economic sustainability/UBI/War on Ca$h

Proposed by
Katalin, Patrice
1 hr orso
101 ( = no minimum level of entry)

Our proposals are low on tech aspects, maybe a nice diversion to more hard-core geeky talks/workshops.

human voice! (maybe slides could be shown, dunno yet!)
Any number of people interested sitting in circle with the samovar in the middle.

(You can indicate yr preference for one of each of the two subject issues proposed)

Proposed by Katalin: The unMonastery project

https://web.archive.org/web/20160806025222/http://athens.unmonastery.org/ https://www.stirtoaction.com/article/unmonastery

("The unMonastery is a social clinic for the future. It is a place-based social innovation is aimed at addressing the interlinked needs of empty space, unemployment and depleting social services by embedding committed, skilled individuals within communities that could benefit from their presence.")

or: discussing how to achieve economic sustainability for small co-living co-working initiatives.

(Focusing more on the practical and organisational imperatives)

Proposed by Patrice: UBI: the movement for a Universal, unconditional basic income.

(here for a long Wikipedia entry making my talk entirely superfluous - but I still can serve Turkish tea!)


For unrepentant geeks there is a crypto currency aspect to some UBI proposals. We could discuss these, though I am not a fan of what I've seen advanced yet - cf. Kate's & my talk on Bitcoin at BarnCamp 2015.

or: The War on Cash, and associated musing on the (bleak) future of Money as we know it.

see e.g. http://thelongandshort.org/society/war-on-cash (Brett Scott)

We intend to make our talk a place of conviviality and conmensality (Turkish tea!)

cf: https://talk.devuan.org/t/software-freedom-your-way/592

Cheers for now, p+7D! (only 2 coming to Barncamp!)

Wiki Editing for girls - and their friends

Proposed by
30 mins
Total beginner, no prior experience
up to 5 people

Workshop for total beginners. You will learn how to edit Mediawiki so you can contribute to sites like Wikipedia, or the Barncamp wiki! People of all genders & none welcome.

Defence Against The Dark Arts: Information Security for the Discerning Activist

Proposed by
2 hours
From absolute beginners to pointy headed sandal wearers
Resources needed
a projector
Limited only by capacity

Stop being paranoid – take action. Explore scenarios where your security is in danger, identify what you need to protect, the threats and suitable counter-measures. The state does not have infinite resources – let’s exploit that! This workshop will be drawing on real world experience of high risk situations where compromises are inevitable and the human is always the weakest link.

Digital forensics

Proposed by
1.30 to 2 hours
Aiming to cater for ‘beginners’ and ‘intermediates’ etc.

Participant laptops will be useful for practical activities, but you can just watch and discuss. Ps. The activities can be done safely, but, as always, please have backed up your important files just in case.

Projector could be useful if available but optional- will bring flipcharty-alternative.


Topic: Digital forensics (computing/law/investigations), but this is also good for introducing/exploring more general tech know-how, and possible discussions around politics/law/ethics/etc. Plan: Brief overview/intro, optional activities/demos featuring Linux (or Mac) and command line, but including some Windows and Graphical User Interface (GUI) options, optional discussions, and a hopefully fun practical digital forensic activity.

Draft booklet at http://www.thebrentc.net/articles/digitalforensics/Digitalforensics.pdf (for reference, we won’t cover all content). Note I’m not working in this field or claiming huge expertise, so please come skillshare. If there’s specific topics people want to look at, let me know, and I can try prep for this (contacts in booklet). Comment/corrections for booklet welcome too.

Superhero survival climbing workshop

Proposed by
45 mins..
From low to high

What you will learn: This workshop is aimed at Barncampers with an interest in learning knot making techniques for essential climbing survival around the campsite as well as those more interested in exploring superheroes gender stereotyping and subverting lego politics. A variety of materials are available for Barncampers to work with.

By the end of the workshop you will be able to:

Select and prepare superheroes, climbing, challenges and knots.

Start, shape and complete knots and structures using a range of materials and techniques.

Guide superheroes on a climbing challenge

Appreciate superhero daring dos as a subject and its potential for further exploration and study.