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These are workshops/talks of between one and two hours in length.
These are workshops/talks of between one and two hours in length.
==Your blog and On-line communities with Wordpress Networks==
==Your blog and on-line communities with Wordpress Networks==
The idea of this workshop is to look at running your own blog running Wordpress' software whilst avoiding corporate providers, such as Wordpress.com.  The workshop will have a special focus on a network of Wordpress sites, such as Network23.org, and how to build a community around this.  We'll look at the differences between Wordpress.com, the commercial company, and Wordpress.org, the open source software; how to register your domain and set it up; an overview of managing your blog, with a focus on audio, video and networking tools; and finally a discussion and proposals for how to build a better community.
The idea of this workshop is to look at running your own blog running Wordpress' software whilst avoiding corporate providers, such as Wordpress.com.  The workshop will have a special focus on a network of Wordpress sites, such as Network23.org, and how to build a community around this.  We'll look at the differences between Wordpress.com, the commercial company, and Wordpress.org, the open source software; how to register your domain and set it up; an overview of managing your blog, with a focus on audio, video and networking tools; and finally a discussion and proposals for how to build a better community.

Revision as of 17:05, 22 March 2013

A page to gather together ideas for the next BarnCamp in June 2013.

Overall themes

Overall ideas for theming the event, such as current trends, emerging technologies, etc.

Microslots (5-10 mins)

Oxford Geek Nights do these 5 minute things called microslots. Propose to have these once, or maybe twice, during the event. Format would be: stand up for 5 - 10 mins with slides if you wish and tell us about your self/project/org/thoughts/need for cash.

Proposals for Microslots:

  • Network23: what is it and why you need to run one?
  • Aktivix Email and Email lists
  • Call to get involved with FLOSS Manuals community
  • Create Booklets like Tech Tools for activism with Book Type software
  • About Encrypt your email with PGP course, Open badges & other courses on p2pu.org
  • Why Drupal is the bane of my web development life.

Workshops (1-2 hours)

These are workshops/talks of between one and two hours in length.

Your blog and on-line communities with Wordpress Networks

The idea of this workshop is to look at running your own blog running Wordpress' software whilst avoiding corporate providers, such as Wordpress.com. The workshop will have a special focus on a network of Wordpress sites, such as Network23.org, and how to build a community around this. We'll look at the differences between Wordpress.com, the commercial company, and Wordpress.org, the open source software; how to register your domain and set it up; an overview of managing your blog, with a focus on audio, video and networking tools; and finally a discussion and proposals for how to build a better community.

The workshop will be based around both a local install of multisite Wordpress so that people can create and play with their own blogs, as well as the online Network23.org service, where people are invited to bring their own domains with them to see how to link their web site address up to their blog. We'll use the FLOSS Manual pages for Wordpress and have some networked computers available to use.

Hands-on workshop and discussion
2 hours
Level of technical skill
Nerd factor
low (all though it is computer stuff)
projector, local web server, Bristol Wireless computer suite, internet, bring yourself and your computer, and your own domain if you have one.

Part I: Introduction

  • Introduction to Wordpress.com and Wordpress.org and what the difference is.
  • What is multisite Wordpress (aka a Wordpress Network) and what is Network23.org?

Part II: Wordpress overview

Covering the main steps to get your site going from a vanilla site, including:

  • Site Settings
  • Themes
  • Pages
  • Blog Entries
  • Media
  • Links
  • Menu
  • Plugins

Part III: Your web address

  • Different naming schemes, using your own domain (e.g. www.mysite.com) vs using a sub domain (e.g. mysite.network23.org) vs using a sub-directory (e.g. network23.org/mysite).
  • What is a domain name? What are DNS servers, etc?
  • Registering your domain name: registrars, registrants, etc.
  • Differences between web forwarding, setting DNS servers, A records, CNAME records, IP addresses.
  • Domain mapping in Wordpress

Part IV: Wordpress Communities

Discussion on how we can better create a community around a site such as Network23.org. There are various tools, such as RSS, "Share Me" tools, BuddyPress, and of course mailing lists....

Introduction to Aquaponics

30 to 60 minutes
Level of technical skill
Nerd factor
low, non-vegetarian subject matter

Urban farming is an experimental phase currently. Talking control of our food supply is almost as important as talking control of our own technologies in safeguarding our future freedom against encroaching Corportisaton in all aspects of our lives. Bristol fish project is a small part off this movement to see if we can close resource loops in urban areas and take steps to provide for ourselves.


One hour
Level of technical skill
Nerd factor

Civicrm is an open source community that involves everyone from the very skilled developers to the completely uninitiated user in a team pulling together to improve communications for charities, community organisations, campaigns and anyone else seeking to organise to make changes for the better in society. This is a brief overview of how it works to introduce the software from a user perspective.

Home brewing

Details to follow ....

Level of technical skill
Nerd factor

Overview of Online Organising Tools

Mick Fuzz
60 mins
Level of technical skill
Nerd factor
wall & projector & net connection

This quick workshops maps the online organising and networking tools people are using, and begins discussions of easy of use, inclusiveness, security and data ownership issues in an accessible way designed to encourage us to try out new tools and share knowledge of well trusted ones.

Possible resources=== techtoolsforactivism.org & leaftlet hacktionlab.org https://www.tacticaltech.org/ - security in a box aktivix.org

Android Device Hacking

60 mins
Level of technical skill
Beginner to advanced
Nerd factor
Projector (ideally) laptop and Android device to play with (optional for attendees)

Loads of us have Android devices now so lets find out a bit more about maximizing their potential, limiting the security pitfalls that come with them and learn more about just what useful things we can get these mini computers to do! It is unlikely we will do much physical rooting/flashing of devices as each device requires different methods/tools and needs careful reading up about first, but the theory and demonstration should be helpful.

  • Rooting your device to enable full control and install all those useful apps that require it
  • Installing ROMs like AOSP, CyanogenMod
  • De-google'ing your Android
  • Recovery
  • Share which useful apps people are using
  • ADB the Android debug bridge
  • Flash? brick? ROM? Kang? WTF?! Explanation of terms

Linux Command Line (Beginners)

60 mins
Level of technical skill
Nerd factor
laptop (for attendees)

Mark & myself did this as a two-hander a couple of yours ago and I was thinking of repeating the workshop along very similar lines.

  • Basic navigation
  • Finding help (man pages)
  • File/directory management
  • An introduction to command line programs, including:
    • Web browsing
    • Document/text editing
    • IRC
    • Command line media players
    • Command line games


Depends on needs, We could do an hour or possibly a longer session, will discuss
Level of technical skill
Nerd factor
laptop + net connection

A workshop based on cryptopartys that have been going on around the world. The idea is to make people aware and comfortable with the various encryption technologies we can use to protect ourselves from monitoring. The format is more of a discussion of the needs of people there and how to best use privicy tools for their needs

How to build your own telephone system

John Cahill
30 minutes
Level of technical skill
Nerd factor
How to set-up a telephone system using free and open source software.
  • Until a few years ago a handful of companies controlled the telephone system in both the UK and the rest of the world.
  • Telephone calls went over a pair of copper wires from your home to an "exchange" where electronic circuits switched these

calls depending on the phone number you required.

  • The numbers were issued and controlled by the same monopolies who owned the wires and the exchanges, with the blessing of governments.
  • The ability to make calls over the internet, (similar to skype), has thrown something of a spanner into the works.
  • It is now possible to build telephone systems entirely from free and open source software.
  • Because these systems are built to open standards they can talk to each other. i.e we can federate them.
  • I will demonstrate such a system and give a summary of how it works.

A people's bank

John Cahill
45 minutes
Level of technical skill
Nerd factor
A proposal for the establishment of a people's bank.
  • The mision: To establish a people's bank based on the principles of community, co-operation and mutualism.
  • I'm planning to kick off a project in May, (in Oxford) , called oxcred (see: oxcred.org.uk).
  • It is inspired by the TEM project in Volos, Greece. I will show a short documentary about this project.
  • It will use the free and open source cyclos banking software, (see cyclos.org).
  • I will discuss how this system will work in practice and demonstrate the cyclos banking software.

Get Evangelical with Ardour

DJ One-Eye and MC Two-Hats
60 minutes
Level of technical skill
Nerd factor
An early evening workshop to demonstrate how to use a laptop, soundcard, ardour and audio mixer, guitar and bongos, kazoo, turnups, jumpers to create evangelical music with "Free Software about Free Software".

Please bring poems and tunes to contribute.

Longer, half-day hack sessions (3-5 hours)

Sessions to be held on the Thursday or Friday that are 3-5 hours in length.

  • Anyone want to do an Android and/or Raspberry Pi hacking session? The latter may be more accessible. Perhaps up to 4 hours.
  • Mike could wheel out the old audio, streaming and internet radio workshops; but are there any takers?

Forest School

During Saturday and possibly Friday, we hope to run a Forest School on site for children and adults alike. The School will cover such things as making fires, building shelters, cooking food, tying knots and could culminate in a wild food walk where we forage for food.

More info on Forest Schools at http://www.forestschools.com/

Events and entertainment ideas

Stuff to do in the evenings. Llanos is co-ordinating organising the events. Current plan:

  • We'll have the fireside and poetry: story telling and acoustic music most welcome.
  • Thursday night: round the camp fire.
  • Friday night: film night in the main Barn. Please get in touch with Llanos if you'd like to play any short films or documentaries that night. It can be anything not necessarily political as long as we agree on it to be relevant or worth showing.
  • Saturday night: open-mic, stand-up, DJs in the main Barn: DJ Marcus (Village Disco, Dubrovnik..) confirmed. Please get in touch for any requirement you might have if you are thinking on performing and we'll do our best to get you setup.
  • Table tennis table, bats a balls confirmed from Thursday to Sunday courtesy of Bristol ping pong Parlour.
  • FreeJamming with Ardour


More on BarnCamp 2013 food planning.

Anything else

Anything else you can think of.

Areas for production aspects


Areas that need sorting I can think are:

  • workshop spaces (acesabe): tables, chairs, pens, flip charts, plug sockets, projectors, screens, laptops, structures
  • toilets (farm): straw bales, tarps, structures, lighting, loo roll.
  • kitchen (becky/sam): food, tea and coffee, structure, cooking equipment, washing up facilities, crokery and cutlery
  • fire (woodsy): fire pit, wood, fire extinguishers, etc.
  • site (farm): flat land for camping, proximity to toilets, fire precautions, sign-posting, transport
  • welcome desk (adelayde/patrice): table, chairs, pens, booking system, finance and payments, contact telephone numbers, volunteers
  • workshop/barncamp/hack session planning (m3shrom)
  • ents (gorditazz): stage or no stage, sound system, DJs, campfire entertainment, etc.
  • bar (higgsy/marsbard): beer, cider, soft drinks, float, cashbox, physical bar space, staffing.
  • infrastructure (acesabe): on-site internet and wifi, ethernet cabling, mains cabling
  • promotion: (adeladye/m3shrom) graphic design and concept, flyers and posters, web site, distribution of materials, mailing to lists, promotion at other events, getting the word out there generally.