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...also considered: http://www.38degrees.org.uk + NCVO's http://www.louder.org.uk platform (Liam BB) (launching sept) ....but these are more campaign platforms.
...also considered: http://www.38degrees.org.uk + NCVO's http://www.louder.org.uk platform (Liam BB) (launching sept) ....but these are more campaign platforms.
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== '''OLD NOTES''' ==
== '''OLD NOTES''' ==

Revision as of 11:15, 14 July 2009

PROPOSED WORKSHOPS Back to BGG09 workshops page:BGG_2009_workshop_planning

Web 2.0 Social Networking for Social Change

How are we using social networking technology to create change? Should we set up our own networks, or just use the commercial tools freely available? Who's doing what and is it working?

Indymedia Hyperactive / London Yoss? INVITED: 50/50 depends on work project availability

Transition Web Project - who are developing their own collaborative platform and social networking tools NB report published 4th June - recommended reading! INVITED: ACCEPTED

Greenvoice: Hazel Cullen hazel@greenvoice.com (lead outreach) + Chris Mear chris@feedmechocolate.com (lead developer) INVITED: No comeback
they've been doin it for a few yrs (launched just b4 BGG and gave away free tshirts) - how do they benchmark their success? does it tranfer into action, or is stronger communities an end in itself?

Ecomotion: founders Miranda Vaughan Jones and Rosalie Portman INVITED: ACCEPTED
Rosalie Portman: Co-founder & partnerships director rosalie@ecomotion.org.uk Miranda Vaughan Jones: Co-founder & director of content miranda@ecomotion.org.uk
a new uk facebook type / portal for green progressive types with diary, ethical directory, media share etc currently in BETA

...also considered: http://www.38degrees.org.uk + NCVO's http://www.louder.org.uk platform (Liam BB) (launching sept) ....but these are more campaign platforms.

Social Web2.0 related proposals at HL were:

- Twitter Revolution (all about twitter - ppl seemed to want a session just on twitter)
- G20 Protests and Web2.0 Social Media - How we can all 'be the media' now

Climate Camp related proposals at HL were:

- Session on the autonomous public access terminals - practical - learn how to set up and run 3g stand alone reporting node thing for CC
- Session on how to 'be the media' this summer at CC (and other mobilisations) about reporting demonstrations - volunteer this summer sort of thing


4 main days.... Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun...

(nb need to talk about which days suit which programme - eg when do most ppl arrive, which day could biggest crowd be pulled, which day could biggest 'useful' crowd be pulled?, which is better, thursday or sunday etc etc)

(nb can we get 2007 exhibitors list - ie all those with stalls in amare / campaigns and same for confirmed so far for this yr?)

reckon split into themed days to keep it easy... names /themes to tighten up a bit but roughly something like:

Have a Social Networking Day: capture the bloody bleedin edge obsession with all things social, hopefully including a bunch of folks that will be at BGG and flying people in if necessary - this is the more intersting one for me. More below...

Tech Skillshare Day: 4-5 workshops on how to do tech media stuff - photo, radio, video, net connectivity (remote/guerilla), phone systems

Offline DIY Day: - subvertising, stencilling, zine production, paper campaign propaganda, press liason/releases, space hijackers etc

Radical Alt Media Day: - some indy discussion / recruitment, philisophical debate, repression and legislation - inc section 76 u cant snap a copper thing (hmm i like the police state thing, maybe a day of doom?), Promoting green skills via tech.

...actualy ppl think is better to mix up content across the days...



Citizen journalism and Protest - Reclaiming the Truth, Arming your desire...

The role of popular social networking / media websites (youtube, facebook, flickr, twitter etc) in highlighting police brutality during the G20 protests and promoting eco social justice. How did this happen and where's it going?

Get someone from Climate Camp, NUJ, Indymedia, and ?

- promoting engagement in radical change - tools and tactics - threats to privacy - future potential

Online for Transition?

How are we using technology to create change? Should we set up our own networks, or just use the commercial tools freely available?

- is it do or die? or DIY Vs the Corporate crap?

Get someone Transition Web Project - who are developing their own collaborative platform and social networking tools: http://transitiontowns.org/TransitionNetwork/TransitionSoftwarePlatform#Requirements http://www.wiserearth.org/group/transition_webproject

Get core person/s from GreenVoice

Get someone from Ecomotion - a new uk facebook / portal for green progressive types http://www.ecomotion.org.uk

what about a Youtube Vs Vision On TV bit - wot's the point of uploading to Vision-on TV or Indymedia as opposed to just smacking it on youtube and veoh etc

Include somewhere a bit about privacy, copyrite ownership, creative commonz etc - but how relevant is that Vs. getting eyeballs?

Eco Media @ BGG roundtable

Sunday (or thursday afternoon / evening ? dunno) - wot we done / r about to do (dependiong onm which day it's held) show and tell get together (inner networking event) + what we would like to do for the future (part purpose to include and politicise the BGG press corps itself)

Tech Party!! or the Social Media Party night: one night to bring together the US lot... dunno :)



Practical stuffs: Like the 2007 radio podcast was meant to involve folks in producing media, would be nice to include some actual ongoing production thingy over the week - or at least something participative during or after.

Cheap as Chips: Top ten communication gizmo things: from spinvox to cheap over ride numbers... bluetooth event-specific nets to link jacking and stream pollution

Tekno soldiers: - multiple connectivity solutions for the mobile reporter.....

Twit this RT: hyper-saturation DIY reporting and how a small team of people can change a news agenda...

Radio Raucous:

BGG web 2.0: If they won't do it, we'll do it ourselves! Come and tell us how to spread the word... from 60+ people on the flickr group to sod all on del.icio.us, facebook has 1k+ in bgg group/s but no activity / lead on updating - all very ad hoc... and they ain't even on twitter!! - sod the copyrite - get it up! what's the plan then folks? Ain't it time for Action?