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From HacktionLab: A UK-wide network tech-activists providing meet-ups, events, workshops, national skillshare gatherings and hacklabs
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Line 8: Line 8:
Grainne Gannon Be the media workshops co-ordinator?
Brian Farrelly Workshop: streaming + media (which specific ones?)
Matt Dunning Workshops: streaming + media (which specific ones?)
Lelia Harris Radio workshop and production (which specific oneS?)
Josef Davies-Coates workshops- web1.0 , social networking
Handling the media (interviews, profiles & celebrity) <BR>
Vicky Moller (#added below to 'dealing with media' session)
SORTED: Chris Kitchen
Portia Roelofs (#added below to 'be the media at cc/3g' session)
Privacy, security & encryption for activists. An essential introduction. <BR>
SORTED: Jonathan Oppenheim
'''Producing your own radical newsletter (SchNEWS, Bath bomb, Pork-Bolter etc)''' <BR>
'''Producing your own radical newsletter (SchNEWS, Bath bomb, Pork-Bolter etc)''' <BR>
Line 24: Line 32:
????? (original proposal had someone from CC Legal / some of us could chip in too)
????? (original proposal had someone from CC Legal / some of us could chip in too)
Stenciling and subvertising. <BR>
SORTED: Paul Walker
Line 35: Line 41:
Handling the media (interviews, profiles & celebrity)
Handling the media (interviews, profiles & celebrity)
SORTED: Chris Kitchen
SORTED: Chris Kitchen + Vicky Moller
Free Software for organising NGOs - how your organisation can benefit
Free Software for organising NGOs - how your organisation can benefit
Line 129: Line 135:
yourself. A practical guide.
yourself. A practical guide.
SORTED=BEN + Chris Kitchen + Portia Roelofs
Reflections on alternative media: Is it working? What can be done better?
Reflections on alternative media: Is it working? What can be done better?

Revision as of 14:43, 13 July 2009

Back to BGG_2009_workshop_planning

Full list of workshops - who is doing them?

As per mail sent to list - with people listed who proposed and said they would run them - BOLD for where people are needed:


Grainne Gannon Be the media workshops co-ordinator?

Brian Farrelly Workshop: streaming + media (which specific ones?) Matt Dunning Workshops: streaming + media (which specific ones?) Lelia Harris Radio workshop and production (which specific oneS?)

Josef Davies-Coates workshops- web1.0 , social networking

Vicky Moller (#added below to 'dealing with media' session) Portia Roelofs (#added below to 'be the media at cc/3g' session)


Producing your own radical newsletter (SchNEWS, Bath bomb, Pork-Bolter etc)
=???? (someone from schnews? 07 wiki had gagged tom down to do it)

Media activism in a police state: Updates, tips, tactics and legislation.
????? (original proposal had someone from CC Legal / some of us could chip in too)


Free software tools for home education.

Handling the media (interviews, profiles & celebrity)
SORTED: Chris Kitchen + Vicky Moller

Free Software for organising NGOs - how your organisation can benefit from open source management tools.

Privacy, security & encryption for activists. An essential introduction.
SORTED: Jonathan Oppenheim

The GIMP for Photographers: Free and easy to use image editing - a practical introduction.
=???? can be one of us eg MICK

Video distribution strategies.

Twitter Revolution: Micro-blogging for social change.
SORTED=DAVE + AMELIA (band ticket)

Audio blogging - practical intro guide from recording to publishing.

Creative commons & the Open Source Revolution

Web2forAction: Post G20 protests; How can we use Web2.0 tools to report and promote our campaigns?
SORTED=DAVE and any of us who wants to pitch in

Producing your own radical newsletter (SchNEWS, Bath bomb, Pork-Bolter etc)
=???? (someone from schnews? 07 wiki had gagged tom down to do it)

Organising your social or activist group on-line: Tools for being effective (eg Crabgrass).
SORTED=(one of us, unless someone else in mind)

Making a 5 min video reportage: Learn the basics of each stage in a practical demonstration.

Free your computer! Ubuntu vs. Windows XP - Vista: A live head-to-head install challenge.

Transition ICT Computing / carbon comedown
SORTED: Richard Rothwell

Web2.0 Social Networking for Change: From Facebook to Transition Towns - Who's doing what and is it working?
SORTED=DAVE / ED Mitchel / ECOMOTION X2 / AMELIA (band ticket)

Media activism in a police state: Updates, tips, tactics and legislation.
????? (original proposal had someone from CC Legal / some of us could chip in too)

Being the media: How to start reporting for Indymedia.
SORTED=Any of us /jordi

Mobile phones as a tool for media activism.

Stenciling and subvertising.
SORTED: Paul Walker

Run your own Internet radio show (recording, streaming, podcasting). Come and do it LIVE!
SORTED=MIKE in radio vague mode :)

No revolution 'til activists and anarchists can wake up and learn to be punctual.

Being the media at Climate Camp: Connect your laptop to 3G and do it yourself. A practical guide.
SORTED=BEN + Chris Kitchen + Portia Roelofs

Reflections on alternative media: Is it working? What can be done better?

Media activism drop in surgery.