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From Bristol Thrusday late evening or Friday anytime - contact: gorditazz at aktivix.org
From Bristol Thrusday late evening or Friday anytime - contact: gorditazz at aktivix.org
From Bristol Thurs eve/sat morning contact: housingaction@yahoo.co.uk
From Bristol Friday eve/sat morning contact: housingaction@yahoo.co.uk

Revision as of 17:22, 8 June 2011

Liftshare to BarnCamp 2011

Please add details of lifts available and lifts offered on this page. It would also be useful if you emailed your contact details [barncamp2011 [at] hacktivista [dot] net] so we can put you in touch with people offering or asking for a lift.

If you cannot edit this page, you can let us know the details by emailing barncamp2011 [at] hacktivista [dot] net.

Lifts offered

Please say where and when you will be leaving from, and how many people you could give a lift to.

Lifts wanted

Please say where and when you want a lift from.

There are a few people that need a lift from Manchester - contact m3shrom at riseup.net if you can help

From Oxford, whenever there is one. contact petespeller@riseup.net

From Bristol Thrusday late evening or Friday anytime - contact: gorditazz at aktivix.org

From Bristol Friday eve/sat morning contact: housingaction@yahoo.co.uk