
From HacktionLab: A UK-wide network tech-activists providing meet-ups, events, workshops, national skillshare gatherings and hacklabs
Jump to navigation Jump to search and HacktionLab are self-funded projects. We do manage to make a small amount from the summer BarnCamp event, but do also welcome donations.

You can make a donation by paying into our bank account. For details of the account, please email donate at our domain name.

If you have seen a copy of our booklet Tech tools for activists and found it to be useful, or are wishing to order a bulk load for your collective, or for local distribution, we suggest a one pound donation per copy.

There are other UK collectives that help support UK Activists by providing free technical services, and if you're thinking you'd like to help, we can recommend you that you make a donation. More details over at the Tech Tools for Activism web site.