BarnCamp at Highbury Farm - Set-up
Setting up BarnCamp at Highbury Farm
Summary of Areas
- Barn
- Bar
- Stage
- Washing up area
- Breakfast area
- Tea/coffee area
- Kitchen area
- Welcome desk
- Information board
- Workshop/plenary area
- Power
- Network
- Marquee
- Power
- Network
- Workshop facilities
- Kids space
- Eco-wash
- Top field
The bar needs to be erected, if not already so and then the following:
- Beer barrels need to be placed horizontally in their permanent position on a suitable stand, spiled (hard cork hammered into them) and left to settle for 24-36 hours.
- Cider needs stacking on and under bar (but not so that liquid will pour onto boxes).
- Soft drinks need to be stacked under bar.
- Also need to be located in bar area:
- Cashbox
- Pad and pen (for tab)
- Bar snacks
- Power needs to be fed here with suitable light for visibility at night.
- PA
- Power
- Mic stands, mics, cabling
- Mixing desk
- Suitable cables and connectors for different equipment
- Stack all audio equipment here to be sorted out
- Store tools on/behind stage area
Washing up area
This can be build using hay/straw bales and doors or other wood for tops. A good location is on the right-hand side facing in between bar and kitchen area. It needs space for 2-3 bowls, 2 racks, and for stacking dirty and clean stuff. Kit required:
- 2 x drying rack
- 3 x washing up bowls
- Crockery - plates, cups and bowls
- Cutlery - knives, forks, spoons
- Washing up liquid
- Anti-bac handwash
- Teatowels
- Dishcloths, brushes and scourers
- Light useful here
Breakfast area
- Table
- Margarine (vitalite or other vegan equivalent)
- Knives, spoons, crockery
- 2 x toaster
- Power
- Stack bread and other breakfast stuff here (food MUST be stored off the floor or in boxes (use empty boxes used to transport electrical cabling)) to keep away from rats).
- Light useful here
Tea/coffee area
- Table
- 1-2 coffee makers
- Kettle or tea-urn
- Stack all teas, coffees, soya and other milks here
- Power required
- Light useful here
Kitchen area
Exact details to be completed, but essentials are:
- Tables
- Gas bottles and regulators
- Power + cable cover to run power to there
- Lighting
- Stack any pots and pans here
Welcome desk
- Table
- 2 x Chair
- Computer for sign up
- VoIP phone (if provided)
- Cashbox
- Paper and pens
- Store stationary here
Information board
- Flip chart paper
- Method of fixing paper (staple gun may be good)
- Suitable pens
Workshop/main/plenary area
- Projector screen, projector and speakers (possibly stage PA) + associated leads for connection
- Need cable cover to run over the track
- Power-line Ethernet adaptors at both ends to provide networking to Wireless AP
- Flipchart stand and paper
- Pens
- Tables and chairs (can use actual tables of hay/straw bales with doors and bits of wood)
The power comes from a 32 amp c-form supply on one of the columns. Power needs to be fed to anything in the Barn that heats things and also the Marquee, suggest the following:
- Stage (though can use normal barn electrics)
- Breakfast area
- Bar (though can use normal barn electrics)
- Main space, including workshop tables and Welcome Desk
- Kitchen area
- Tea/coffee area
- Washing up area (if possible) though barn electrics will be fine
- Production van parking area
- Marquee
Cable covers/protectors should be used anywhere the cable crosses an access way, or alternative make the cable run be off ground. Any connections (plug-socket) outdoors or near water should be wrapped in a plastic bag, taped and off ground. In general all sockets should be kept off the ground.
- Place boxes containing power and network cabling on the stage ready to set up.
Ethernet run to house for Internet (should be now already installed). Further Ethernet runs required for: LTSP suite, VoIP phone on Welcome desk and Powerline Ethernet run to Marquee. A switch may be useful. There's a "Barn" wireless access point to plug into this.
- Erect marquee - 8 people ideally for this with 2 x sledhammer
- Hay/straw bales for seats
- Projector screen, projector and speakers + associated leads for connection
- "Marquee" wireless access point
- Power provided by long mains cable run from barn, ensure cable run is not over main walking space
- Need cable cover to run over the track
- Power-line Ethernet adaptors at both ends to provide networking to Wireless AP
- Flipchart stand and paper
- Pens
- Lighting
Kids space
- Erect party tent, place spare bits in box in corner - 2 x sledgehammer, ratchet straps and 4-6 people needed for this.
- Green carpeting (HF should have this?)
- Place kids space stuff here
Located in bottom field requires:
- 2 x medium sized tarps
- Heavy-duty crocodile clips
- Solar light
- 2 x bowl
- Table or hay/straw bales to place bowls on
- Anti-bac handwash
- Sign saying what it is
Top field
- Solar lighting (or candles in jars) on track, near slope down to barn door, by field gate and near marquee help people find their way around the site.
- A light outside the bar can be helpful.